Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It didn't stop there

After my official email to the guy, he still wrote another letter (when will he give up!!! ARGH)!

Plz Admissions Officer
Give me one more choice, considered time, money, effort,and anxiety I have been through, consider my admission, am pleading with thy Name of Jesus Christ Please don't turn down my vision and dreams towards (the institution).
I can't afford another University....
May God bless you in aboundance....granting my admission.
(The really desperate and irritating Applicant)

God's name didn't work, so the African trying the Jesus route now. Doesn't he know it won't work either?

I dun mean to be rude but i highly doubt he could afford this institution and the cost of living in Sg. Our current students from Africa has dwindled from 3 to 1, and the 1 is struggling everyday to work instead of study. How can right?!

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