Thursday, June 21, 2007

An African Plead

Ok. At the risk of losing my job, i really need to post this coz i think it's hilarious. It really outlines the different cultures and ways each ppl from different countries do things.

Background: This african dude applied for an institution in Singapore, doesn't know s*** about the institution (from wat i can tell in his correspondence) but just seems desperate to escape to here. He got rejected coz... aiyah, just cannot make it lah...

Hi Miss Admissions Person,
Please I want to plead with you in thy name of Jesus Christ to re consider my admission.
However, think of the time, money, patience and I decided to go through, timeless effort, because of XXX as my choice of University.
No other Universities can offer my vision and my dreams carreer as XXX, so pleae clearify my admission.
I want to paticipated the next matriculation for July 2007 seasion.
For God sake, approve my stand within the few days ahead...plz plz Miss Admissions Person.
Thank you.

Sighz. They use God's Name ALL the time in ALL their emails. "For God's Sake, i am interested in studying at your institution, in the name of the almighty, provide me with a scholarship so i may come next week!!!!"

Argh $%^#*@)%#

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