Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Asian Children

I dunno if this has been a tradition all along, but eversince I started work in my new job i realised that it is not only singaporean children that are sheltered, pampered and heavily dependant on their parents.

Chidren from Singapore, China and India are the most dependant children.

For example, a parent once spoke to me on behalf of his child who wants to study a particular subject that involves a lot of speaking up and argument. How can the child be studying that subject if the child cannot speak up for themselves right!!!!!!!!

Also, i've heard that some students who needed to attend interviews will try to bring their parents in! Walau! Wat u expect your parents to do? answer questions on your behalf? why not just ask your parents to enrol into the school and try to change the name on the cert to your name when they graduate? easier right!

An indian kid came in with the mom. I din even know she was talking about him to me until he said something that makes me go, "oh... so tat's your child!!!!"

China kids are exact replicas of their parents. If the questions they ask and the answers they want to get are not right, they will try and pin you to one corner until they hear what they wanna hear. Sighz. Ok so maybe this one a lil out of topic

Children from Vietnam, Indonesia and Phillipines are slightly more independant in that they are braver in asking questions without their mommy and daddy to help them.

Yes yes, stereotyping but u cannot blame me for this and cannot call me racist coz i happen to be asian and i happen to see this happening EVERYDAY. There are definitely some independant kids, but i pray and hope that those who are continually dependant on their parents will wake up their ideas soon. U guys are big enough to at least ask questions and find out about your future for yourselves right!!!!!!! U can't expect your parents to help you with your studies and homework right (i seriously HOPE that is not happening!)

yeay, one more post closer to beating Mr Orbin

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