Monday, May 9, 2011

The Really Rich ppl vs the Average Rich ppl

Over the Mother's Day weekend, i had the 'honour' of speaking to someone who really made my blood boil.

One of my clients were looking for a copywriter to describe their products online. I mentioned to my mom about this and she so happened to stumble upon someone who said she welcomed this 'fresh change' after years of writing for lingerie and developers. Naturally, if i were to 'recommend' someone, I would like to know their background, etc.

This lady I called insisted that she had no resume and she had written for large companies and i was being totally ridiculous in asking her for her credentials. Hello, nowadays there are many many cases of fradulent claims ok! I feel heavily responsible if you were a quack. I merely asked her to email me coz i didn't want to write it down and risk losing that piece of paper and she told me i was the only person who told her not to bother. I think she's a mind reader coz by that time, i already made up my mind that this lady was too haughty to be introduced to my client.

She kept repeating "I didn't ask for this job you know" (Then why did u mention to my mom to ask me to waste my time calling u?!) and kept saying "I write for really big companies which i cannot name, and this will be the smallest job I've ever taken" (then again, dun take it la! Why waste my time talking to u?!) and then insulted the clients by saying that their website was china-pek and if they could hire just anyone before, then they could hire anyone now.

Just because she grew up averagely rich (and was probably fussed around a lot), doesn't mean she had to put on an air about it throughout the whole conversation. After all, I was gonna be the one to talk to my client about her! Guess she won't get the chance to write for this puny china-pek company.

Contrast this to the same client looking for the copywriter. He is freaking rich. But humble as hell!

That is the difference between the Really Rich and the Average Rich. We see this in many instances in Singapore and Malaysia...

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